Addresses Specialists in Internal Medicine / Internists Germany, Austria, Switzerland
We offer
addresses and other contact information for employed and
privately-practicing internists for direct marketing.
Related target group: Internists / Specialists in internal medicine, angiologists, gastroenterologists, haematologists and oncologists, cardiologists, nephrologists, pneumologists / pulmologists, rheumatologists
How up-to-date is our database? Regular updates guarantee a 99% postal delivery success rate.
Our data described in numbers:
Total: 38857 addresses
Hospital internists:
› 3711 Chief Physicians specializing in internal medicine
› 1646 Consulting Physicians specializing in internal medicine
› 7398 Senior Physicians specializing in internal medicine
› 1502 Physicians specializing in internal medicine
Internists in private practice:
› 24600
Contact Information:
Telephone: 38857
Fax: 28408
E-Mail: 18271
Please note that our e-mail addresses have no opt-in.
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